Sunday, November 23, 2008

ok, so i realize that it's been awhile since i've updated this blog, but the baby is still coming to bring impending evil to the world. it has been a busy few weeks here. i had my freak out session and realized that my house is a death trap filled with useless crap. since then there has been a shedding of stuff. thanks to the bissonette children i has been able to get a whole bunch of stuff done like carpet removal, furniture arrangement, and lawn work. all of this for the low, low price of parting out my record collection. yes, it was emotional, but i haven't listened to them in forever so i figured it was time. that, and i have most of them on cd now anyway.

i also accepted a long term sub assignment in a high school. the teacher is on extended medical leave, and i've had to hit the ground running on getting lessons together. it's also a painting and drawing teacher which isn't really my specialty, but i've actually kinda surprised myself with how much i've enjoyed teaching 2d stuff. who knew? it's also good 'cause it's more money which helps to feed the ever-ravenous fetal bucky. it also helps feed the ever-ravenous, fetal, sympathy bucky too. seriously when will the hunger stop? i can already here my new nick-name at the glass shop next summer being the pilsbury dough boy.

we've had another sonogram as well. unfortunately, marcia has the pictures with her right now so no uploading them for the blog. probably in the next week sometime. we got some good ones!


Viveca said...
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Viveca said...

I thought of the perfect boy name for you guys! Willis Barber! Say it a few times. Kinda rolls off your tongue...