Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello all! first off let me gratuitously apologize for the infrequent updates. things have been a bit hectic here at the barber household. first we'll start with the good news...

Bucky is growing at the normal rate! we went to a neonatal sonographer to determine whether or not Bucky has a version of Dwarfism that runs in my family. Seriously, it really does. But he/ she measures fine. That was also our chance to see what the sex was and we held strong on not finding out. which leads me to my next gripe...

the sonographer was a complete jackass! not only was he leaning up against Marcia with his arm propped up on her like she was a piece of furniture, but he hardly even talked to us! we had to ask him what everything that we saw was, and he acted as if the mere telling us what he was doing was the most irritating thing that he had ever experienced. then he took a 15 minute phone call in the middle of the session!!! what an ass! at least Bucky is fine though, and we will never have to see that guy again!

here's a weird thing... Marcia signed us both up to receive these emails about what your fetus is doing this week. it's really bizarre but cool at the same time. it talks about what is developing, the appendages, and the size of it, kin of cool. The size thing though is really interesting. Every week that we've gotten the email; they make a relation to the size of the baby to the size of an "everyday" object. here's where it gets a little creepy... the object is always some sort of food item. first it was a lime, then a lemon, then an avocado, squash, zucchini, banana, turnip, etc. etc., so on and so forth. at this point I'm not sure if I'm supposed to juice, saute, make a salad out of the baby or what. if you listen to Eddie Izzard babies all taste of chicken anyway. just freaky.

i finished up my long term teaching gig with a bang! classes were awesome and i had the opportunity to write and give my first finals. i always hated finals as a student, but i now realize that as a teacher they are kind of fun! well, maybe just because of my subject; i don't get to give a whole lot of written tests as an art teacher. Anywho, it was a very enjoyable experience.

we still have not been able to finish the baby's room. there is furniture scattered all over my house in an effort to re-use or re-purpose furniture for the baby's needs. we are trying to cut down the costs of spawning as much as possible, because of the economy and such...

I'm also writing this at 6:45 in the morning on new years day, not because I'm still up partying, but because i couldn't sleep. Unfortunately, my Uncle has all of the sudden contracted sort sort of crazy infection, and it spread really fast. so fast that it is starting to shut down his organs. he's in the ICU at Research Memorial right now, and I'm hoping for the best. the really scary thing is that my aunt is a nurse, and the look in her eye has me worried. so i can't sleep, so I'm finally updating the blog, i thought that writing this would be more cathartic, oh well...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

ok, so i realize that it's been awhile since i've updated this blog, but the baby is still coming to bring impending evil to the world. it has been a busy few weeks here. i had my freak out session and realized that my house is a death trap filled with useless crap. since then there has been a shedding of stuff. thanks to the bissonette children i has been able to get a whole bunch of stuff done like carpet removal, furniture arrangement, and lawn work. all of this for the low, low price of parting out my record collection. yes, it was emotional, but i haven't listened to them in forever so i figured it was time. that, and i have most of them on cd now anyway.

i also accepted a long term sub assignment in a high school. the teacher is on extended medical leave, and i've had to hit the ground running on getting lessons together. it's also a painting and drawing teacher which isn't really my specialty, but i've actually kinda surprised myself with how much i've enjoyed teaching 2d stuff. who knew? it's also good 'cause it's more money which helps to feed the ever-ravenous fetal bucky. it also helps feed the ever-ravenous, fetal, sympathy bucky too. seriously when will the hunger stop? i can already here my new nick-name at the glass shop next summer being the pilsbury dough boy.

we've had another sonogram as well. unfortunately, marcia has the pictures with her right now so no uploading them for the blog. probably in the next week sometime. we got some good ones!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

for the frenchies!

Hello Christiane, Vero and Guilhem! Marcia est enceinte! Je sais, c'est fou, mais oui, je vais etre papa. Je vais essayer de tenir a jour le blog que j'ai cree, en francais, aussi souvent que possible. Attendez vous a du "franglais" car je vais faire ca moi meme. En fait, ne vous attendez a rien de bien coherent de ma part, a part ce message, car dorenavant, j'essaierai d'ecrire en francais moi meme. La, j'ai demande a une copine francaise de traduire pour moi (J'ai nomme Cecile Blanco) car je ne voulais eviter confusion et malentendu avec ce premier mail. Marcia est trop occupee et surtout fatiguee pour pouvoir m'aider a ecrire ou vous appeler. Ceci dit, elle y songe fortement, donc attendez vous a un coup de fil dans les jours/semaines qui viennent.Voila les dernieres nouvelles: la photo sur le blog c'est celle le la premiere echographie, sur la droite on peut voir le profil du visage et sur la gauche le reste du corps. Si c'est une fille on l'appellera Molly, mais si c'est un garcon, on a pas encore decide du nom. On est ouvert aux suggestions. Dommage que "Garance" soit deja pris! On va attendre la naissance ce sera la surprise. L'accouchement est prevu aux alentours du 27 Avril, ce qui me permet d'avoir un peu de temps pour me preparer mentalement. Je vous tiens au courant de la suite des evenements!.

Monday, October 27, 2008

So here's the first pictures of the baby! the alien looking thing on the left is Bucky's face in profile. if you look at the circular mass on the right side of the left picture you will he its head. it's looking up. the picture on the right has bucky sprawled out much like the woman in the painting Large Odelisque by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. That's right bitches, i threw in some art history! suck on that mike, oh yeah! Though hopefully it will not grow up to be a prostitute like the subject of the painting. Daddy ain't raisin' no ho!

the sonogram also confirmed the due date of April 27th. i'll have to get out my astrology stuff to figure out what the hell that might mean. anyone know what sign that is off the top of their head?

we have also begun "nesting" or at least we've started to clear out crap that we never use and probably should have gotten rid of years ago. seriously, i found business cards from 11 years ago; it's really that bad.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

hello all, this here is a web site dedicated to the future baby barber bequeathed with the nom de tour Bucky Babaloo, brilliant is it not? some might even say bitchin'. Why Bucky do you ask? Well, mainly 'cause my father is a nut job, and comes up with random idiotic names for things and oddly enough they stick. By way of example, every year at Thanksgiving the Turkey is named Raoul. He wanted my middle name to be Oliver for the sole intention of my initials being S.O.B.; amazing that i turned out as well as i have, no?

Anyhoo... as you may have deduced by now, Marcia is pregnant! Yes that's right, we are spawning and i'm in charge of the website (insert evil maniacal laughter here). So this is where you can come to find out how drastically our lives have changed, things about the baby, and how much more that i'm irritating Marcia now that she is hormonal. So far it's been quite alot! In the next few months i may even achieve my goal of driving her completely insane! Either that or Marcia will achieve her goal of killing me in my sleep. There is a slight chance that we might both make it through, but i think that the chances are slim...

But i digress, here are some of the things that are most commonly asked...

1) we are not going to find out the sex of the kid until birth. personally not really my idea of fun, but marcia's a wacko and wants to do it that way. i then suggested that we continue to wait and find out what the sex was until Bucky was aroung 10 years old, and she gave me the evil glare. can you say MOOD SWINGS! seriously the things that i put up with...

2) if it is going to be a girl we are more than likely going to name her Molly. that way we can flog her when she gets in trouble, and everyone will just think that we are talking about the kick ass punk band Flogging Molly. sweet huh?

3) we do not have a boys name. apparenly everything that i suggest is even worse than the previous suggestion. Alas, there will be no future Vercingetorix Barber on the way, sorry Matt.

i was thinking about telling my father-in-law that we were going to name it Obama, just to see if his head would explode. Both marcia and stephanie have said that this might be a bad idea as he might actually have a heart attack. oh well, i guess that i'll have to let that one go...

if you have a suggestion of what boy names we could use feel free to post them. though fair warning, i will make fun of it if it isn't as cool as Moopsy Weaselsnard...